We are actively looking for more freedom businesses to partner with


We are actively looking for more freedom businesses to partner with 〰️


An advocacy brand that sells goods to empower the exploited and to help reach the “Unreached” for God’s Kingdom. Your purchase empowers the exploited and brings awareness to the unreached peoples.

We are not a fashion company. We are an advocacy, awareness, and action company, that sells exceptional goods. 

We are about this- that the whole world would know Jesus, that every tongue, tribe, and people group would come and be able to worship God. 

Freedom Cart

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Welcome to Freedom Cart, where every purchase helps raise awareness for the unreached people groups, and bring freedom to those held captive to modern day slavery.

Hope in Bloom


Believe Bowl Jute


Today there are 7,186 Unreached Groups, with a total population of 3.42 billion people, which equals over 42% of the world’s population.

There are around 400,000 people serving cross culturally across the world today.

However only about 3% of them, are actually going to the 40% who have never heard about Jesus. 

The other 97% of workers, are going to places that have already heard of Jesus.

This Great Imbalance leaves only 1 cross cultural worker for each 250,000 people, who have never heard about Jesus.

The Great Imbalance

Frontier People Group are whole societies with virtually no followers of Jesus, no known movements to Jesus, who still needing pioneer cross-cultural workers.

Today there are 4,789 Frontier People Groups, with a total population of 2 billion people, which equals around 25% of the world’s population.

Christians around the world are giving about 2% of their income income to christian causes. Less than 7% of that 2% is going to cross cultural workers. Of that cross cultural giving, only 1/100%  is actually going to those 3 billion people who don’t know Jesus, have no church, or Christian neighbors. 

The other 99% of all cross-cultural giving goes to the rest of the world, which already has Christians, Bible and, churches. 

Are you seeing the Great Imbalance?

Human Trafficking

There are 49.6 million people in modern slavery worldwide, and 12 million of them are children.

27.6 million people today are in forced labor.

39.4% of them are women and girls (4.9 million in forced commercial sexual exploitation, and 6 million in other economic sectors).

12% of them are children (3.3 million). More than half of these children are in commercial sexual exploitation.

The root causes of trafficking include poverty, indebtedness, and limited educational and employment opportunities in rural communities of origin, social exclusion, and the lure of the big cities.

Economic instability and increasing poverty limit access to essential needs for survival such as shelter, food, and water, and increase vulnerability to all forms of modern slavery in Asia and the Pacific.

Economic insecurity compels workers to take on risky jobs or loans from unscrupulous employers, leading to exploitation in labour-intensive roles to repay debts. We can notice a gender-based discrimination and undervaluation of low-skilled occupations limiting women’s options for decent work and regular migration, often leading them to lower-paid informal sectors without labour protection.

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Our solution is to create a human positive impact fashion and goods company that not only sells beautiful, uniquely crafted, small-batch, artisanal goods, but the also highlights these issues by working with teams, companies, and individuals who are the direct recipients of the evils of the great imbalance, living among the least reached people groups, or who are vulnerable and victims to human sex and labor trafficking.

Walk Humbly Necklace


Lorena Square Earings


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Are you interested in getting involved, want to make a difference, or do you want to learn more? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!