About our Carts
Freedom Cart- An advocacy brand that sells goods to empower the exploited and help REACH the unreached for God’s Kingdom.
When customers come to our Freedom Carts, at their various locations, they will learn about the great imbalance the exists within the church and the missions world, they will learn about unreached peoples, and they will learn about human sex and labor trafficking. They will be presented with immediate ways to get involved and combat these atrocities. All through purchasing our goods, which are sources from among ministries among the unreached people groups and rescued from trafficking. Your purchase helps to provide financial support to these ministries and individuals. Our customers will be able to sign up for newsletters, find out ways to pray, engage, give, go, support, and get involved with these critical issues. All by coming to Freedom Cart to buy a beautiful product.
Buy a product. Create employment. Help reach the unreached. Empower the exploited.
Your purchase empowers the exploited and brings awareness to the unreached peoples.
About our Products
Freedom Cart goods and jewelry are strategically sourced from either unreached people groups or from freedom businesses.
What are the unreached? The unreached are whole societies that have less that a 2% christian witness, thus most likely people within this society will lice and die their whole lives, without ever hearing the Gospel of Jesus!
What are Freedom Businesses? They are businesses that offer life-giving jobs to survivors of human trafficking and exploitation. In most cases, they are individuals that have been rescued from a horrific life of being trafficked, and are now given employment, hope, job training, and support- employment for the very means of freedom!
Here at Freedom Cart we aim to raise awareness for the the unreached, so they can experience spiritual freedom and saving grace of Jesus. We aim to raise awareness for human trafficking, so they can experiences physical freedom and saving from real life slavery, through human trafficking. In order to accomplish this, we sell goods and jewelry that are made from the vary hands of individuals that live among the unreached peoples and from the very hands of those who have been trafficked. We aim to create employment, financial stability and support for these individuals. We partner with ministers, organizations, and freedom business who help to employ and bring freedom to these individuals and societies.
About the Unreached
Here at Freedom Cart, God has put a desire in our heart- to see the unreached, reached, with the amazing story of the love of God
We want to introduce you to the unreached. We want your heart to yearn that the unreached, be reached by the Grace of God.
It is not ok, that 40% of all people on Earth have never had the opportunity to hear about how Jesus came to Earth to rescue us and bring us freedom! We know that you can make a difference in helping to reach the unreached!
So what can you do to help reach the unreached?:
You can pray that more global workers are sent to the unreached, and not to places that are already reached.
You can give to organizations that work directly with the unreached.
You can help spread the news about the unreached with your friends, family, and church. We have a list of resources to help you spread awareness of the Great Imbalance and the need to bring the Gospel to the unreached. The first step in reaching the unreached, is awareness.
You can go to the unreached. We pray that God would call certain Freedom Cart individuals and families to give their lives and go live and serve among the unreached peoples.